ERGO Network: Social economy and Roma inclusion in times of Covid-19

ERGO Network is the largest Roma grassroots organization network in Europe.
This year was especially crucial for them since several policy pieces addressing the need for a new framework and approach to discrimination of ROMA people was discussed and approved at the EU level. I was invited to work with them during several high-level meetings to capture the key messages and elements of the discussion.

The conference “Social economy and Roma inclusion in times of Covid-19: A contribution to Europe’s Action Plan on Social Economy” brought together national practitioners, civil society organizations, and EU policymakers, to discuss how to achieve real policy change for Europe’s Roma in a social economy setting.
It also showcased concrete good practices from Roma and traveler-led social enterprises on the ground, and put forward positive ways to ensure that the potential of the social economy to support Roma inclusion is placed at the heart of the “Action Plan on Social Economy and Social Innovation” in full alignment with the “European Union Roma Strategic Framework”.

Watch the full conference and my intervention at the end of the video 

ERGO Network: Social economy and Roma inclusion in times of Covid-19
ERGO Network: Social economy and Roma inclusion in times of Covid-19
ERGO Network: Social economy and Roma inclusion in times of Covid-19
ERGO Network: Social economy and Roma inclusion in times of Covid-19